Bankim Sardar College
South 24 Parganas
Notification for Teachers
Dated 27.03.2020
Stay at Home Stay Safe
In view of the declaration of by the Central Govt and concurrence by the State Government regarding Locked Down of the entire country, as a preventive measure to stop the spread of Novel Corona Virsus (COVID 19) it is understood that you will be staying back at home till April 14, 2020 or any further notification in this regard.
Work from Home for Teachers
Submit the Academic Plan and Calendar which you followed during the last three semester from July 2018 and the Academic Plan for the 4th and 2nd Semester 2020
Submit the Mentor Mentee minutes for the period 2018-19
Submit the PO PSO and CO of your Hons papers and Gen papers
Also prepare for Online classes which can be in the form of Zoom or Teamlink or Skype Call, Video Tutorials, Conference Call, Whatsapp Call etc.
You can make your submissions in the email or through whats app 8910694771
Bankim Sardar College – A College with Potential
for Excellence
In Search of Excellence in
Our Best Practice – Bibidher Majhe Dekho Milano Mahan
Title of the Practice
Bibidher Majhe Dekho Milano Mahan (Identifying Unity in Diversity and be inclusive)
Objectives of the Practice
The objective is the enrichment of students by way of extending them beyond the narrow concept of self.
The life process of people differs across person, place, culture, religion etc. Such diversity often causes disharmony. Thus one holistic objective of people is to remain identified with the diverse life processes of others and find out the unity in diversity. HEIs can play a pivotal role in imbibing the vision of harmony and unity among the students by way of observing and commemorating observable days, identifying citizenship roles by way of establishing neighbourhood relation and most importantly strengthening cultural exchange among diverse communities.
The Context
Students who are living in this part of the mother earth are predominantly introvert in nature and lack exposure to the diverse life processes beyond their narrow geographical boundary. Students in this college come from pre-dominantly rural background and belong to SC, OBC and minority communities (about 85%). Teachers on the other hand come from urban areas. It is felt that the college in general and the teachers in particular can therefore play a greater role in making the students much more open minded and free thinkers by way of appraising them with the larger life processes of communities beyond the narrow provincial domain in which the students live. Under the context of such diversity, the college plans to observe “dibash” (days) following a pre-scheduled calendar where each dibash holds different connotation and enables the students to get identified with different value systems.
The Practice
The IQAC aims to organize
1. Regular counseling of the students by the Principal
2. Cultural visits for the students every year – to places like Santiniketan (the place of Kabi Guru Rabindranath Tagore), Belurmath (the place of Sri Ramakrishna & Swami Vivekananda), Kolkata (The City of Joy) and also cultural exchange programmes where teachers and students from other premiere institutions (e.g. Patha Bhavana, Visva Bharati) come to the college for conducting cultural programmes with the college and school students of the Sunderbans.
3. The celebration of the birth anniversaries of Swami Vivekananda, Subhash Chandra Bose, S. Radhakrishnan, APJ Abdul Kalam every year and the birth centenaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
4. The celebration of the Communal Harmony day on the day of Rakhi Bandhan when the teachers, the staff and the students go out to the local villages and spread the spirit of oneness and harmony. College students and school students in unison participate in Rakhi Bandhan and conduct cultural programmes. The college also observed the 125th year of Chicago address of Swami Vivekananda as Sampriti Saptaha.
5. Regular visits to the neighbouring villages on the days of Netaji Birthday, Republic Day and the Independence Day. Teachers, staff and the students take part in such march to the villages and such visits help the students and teachers to get identified with the life process of the villagers and spread a feeling of oneness among the villagers.
6. Occasional visits to the local primary schools to encourage the young students to come to the college and learn computers courses from the college students. The objective is to imbibe the dream of higher education among the young kids.
7. The celebration of the Fisherman’s day by celebrating and observing the meen mangal utsav. The objective is to recognise the contribution of the fisherman community of this region
8. Free legal aid service camps (in collaboration with the advocates of the Law College) for the residents of adjoining villages with the objective of making the villagers feel at home and discuss their legal issues.
9. Regular extension services by the NSS and the NCC units of the college often in collaboration with the West Beacon Scout with the objective of making the students to learn to think for the society beyond narrow self interest.
Evidence of Success
The objective was to encourage the students to learn to extend them beyond the narrow domain of their self-interest and spread their being to the neighboring villages, get identified with their objective problems and realities.
After three years of effort in this regard, most of the students today by and large have started appreciating that they cannot afford to live within the narrow boundaries of their home and have started identifying themselves with the world beyond.
This is becoming evident as they are showing larger interests to participate in inter-college events and writing papers, letters and essays on inter-temporal and inter-spatial issues.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
The practice does encounter problems in the areas of time resources. With the introduction of the CBCS and the semester system time is becoming the limiting factor, for both the teachers and the students, in actualizing the practice. Furthermore, there are inhibitions in the minds of the local people about the manner in which free thinking is encouraged. Finally, as students in general are accepting “broadmindedness” as a social value, some narrow minded parochial “non-students” feel insecure and pose resistance to the best practices.
Bankim Sardar College – A College
with Potential for Excellence
In Search of Excellence in
Our Distinctiveness – Mentoring
Institutional Distinctiveness
The distinctiveness of this college is Mentoring of
students by teachers. The objective of mentoring is
1. 1. make them feel at home
2. 2. build their self belief “even I can do” and
3. 3. reflect their pent up potential in a College with Potential for Excellence
The college is located in the Sunderbans, and inhabitants of the region
are constrained to feel alienated from mainstream India and when asked to
perform they pause and feel “can I do it?” This College with Potential for
Excellence – believes the students too have beautiful minds - the SUNDARMON – ???????? – ???????? and the college goes forward relentlessly in search of the Sundarmon
(the excellence) in the Sunderbans and make the students feel “even I can do.”
Vidy? Vimuktaye – our core value - enshrines our
vision as Enlightenment (emancipate and liberate from all darkness and
bondages) Empowerment (building self belief) Enrichment (building
qualities to enrich society) and all performances of the institution aim at fulfilling
these vision through the constant acts of mentoring of students by the
Towards enlightening the students, the college adheres to a
number of “distinctive practice” remaining in touch with the learners through
24x7 mentoring and monitoring and pursuing to make the students feel at home
while in campus.
Towards empowering the students, the college
organizes a college week whose name is Sundarmon. This college week is not the same as
what is being called as fest) where hired artists and celebrities
come from outside and perform and earn. But in Sundarmon, the main objective is to organize several
skill-displaying events and make the students participate and perform
and learn.
The success of Sundarmon depends on a year-long talent search by
the mentors amongst the students who have pent up talents but never had the
opportunity to bring them out before others. The mentors try to find out the
talents in each department by way of organising smaller events throughout the
year at the departmental levels. For example, students are allowed to celebrate
Day at the Departmental
level every year over and above the Teachers’ Day being celebrated by the college.
After the talent search is made, the IQAC declares the several events of the Sundarmon programme ranging from dance
competition to debate to bio data contest. Principal encourages the teachers to
play the role of mentors and guide the students to take part in any/all of the
events. The mentors work relentlessly to give training and guidance for two to
three months involving rounds of rehearsal The performers are than elevated to
perform in the Sundarmon
For example, a
teacher-mentor has thirty five student-mentees who have shown their interests
to perform dance. The mentor declares that a National Integration Dance contest
will be held during Sundarmon where each group of
five mentees will represent a state – Punjab, Assam, Goa, Bengal etc and
perform the respective folk dances of these states. This event requires videos
of the folk dances of other states, identification with their culture, script
building, costumes, anchoring and above all repeated words of confidence
building, “you can do it.”
Another example can
be drawn in this regard. A teacher acting as a Mentor encourages the students
to learn to draw their SWOT. Students learn how to write a bio-data that
includes their strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. Then they are
required to prepare PowerPoint slides to present their SWOT before the
Principal and judges during the Sundarmon followed
by interview questions about their selves. This entire exercise is conducted to
develop a self directional skill and attitude among the students.
Let us cite another
example. The teacher mentors of Political Science department take their
students to the West Bengal State Assembly and make them aware about the live
proceedings of legislative practices. Then teachers as mentors guide the
students in the department to perform a mock parliament session where students
enact in several roles and successfully create the ambience of legislative
assembly in the college campus.
Another example that
requires to be mentioned is the one where teacher as mentor encourages the
students to think laterally by way of introducing to the idea of lateral
thinking (Edward Bono) and preparing question answers on lateral thinking. Then,
during the final round a quiz contest on lateral thinking is organised where
students contest and perform.
Mentoring has
assumed a new dimension during the COVID 19 pandemic and the resultant
lockdown. Each teacher as a mentor is attached to 30 to 40 students and he/she as
a group admin opens a whatsapp group where the Principal also joins and thus
enables each student to remain in constant touch with the HoI. The students are
receiving round the clock counselling from the teachers with regard to their
regular online classes, project preparation and submission, internal assessment
through google evaluation, training for making use of the college portal for
university examination etc. Principal issues notifications to all students
through the mentors and thus students remain well appraised about their
examination schedules mode of examinations etc. Teachers and mentors also keep
in touch to do make stress counselling of the students and never allow them to
feel that they are alone during this lock down. Mentors have also guided the
students to keep them safe from the COVID 19, following the importance of
masks, sanitisation social distancing etc. Mentors have also guided the NCC
cadets of the college to reach out to the neighbourhood villages and act as
volunteers to help them in their distress.
All these acts of mentoring by the teachers are the distinctive performance of the institution to realize its vision, priority & thrust and realization of its core value Vidy? Vimuktaye.